A vulnerability has been discovered in WhatsApp Web. This vulnerability, if exploited, would allow attackers to completely take over users’ accounts on any browser, and access victims’ personal and group conversations, photos, videos and other shared files, contact lists, and more. This means that attackers could potentially download photos and or post them online, send messages on the victim’s behalf, demand ransom, and even take over the victim’s friends’ accounts.
*[Warning] Just One Photo Could Have Hacked Millions Of WhatsApp Accounts:
Security Flaws-According to the latest report by Checkpoint "Israel-based cyber security company" disclosed a serious flaw in latest popular messengers like "WhatsApp" and "Telegram" that could allow hackers to take over their accounts. All that was required by the hacker was to send a malicious image file to the victim. As soon as the person clicked on the image, the hacker could control the person’s account.How these Accounts was been Hacking?
According to the latest reports by Checkpoint, the image file will specially craft HTML file along with a false thumbnail to appear like an image for users. when users click on this image a special database will be created and stored in internal storage and might be uploaded to the hacker.
Watch the demos below for more information:
This is the new way of hacking, so be careful before receiving any image from unknown!
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