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Google Cancels its April Fool's Pranks this year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic


Google Cancels its April Fool's Pranks this year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Google's April Fool's Pranks will not be held this year, as concerns over the spread of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, continue to persist.

Google Cancels its April Fool's Pranks this year Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Google's April Fool's Pranks will not be held this year, as concerns over the spread of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, continue to persist.

Google Cancels its April Fool's Pranks:

Every year on April 1, Google frequently inserts jokes and hoaxes into its products on April Fools' Day, which takes place on April 1.
Likewise, other Tech Companies also swamp the internet with elegant April fool pranks, crazy announcements, and bogus blog posts. Last year, Google comes up with the Google Assistant Prank, If the user writes "April Fools" to Google assistant it will now tell you about a random historic April Fools prank. This year, however, April Fools' Day could prove particularly fraught due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
However, Google hasn’t officially announced it is canceling this year’s April Fool’s joke. 
According to an internal email obtained by Business Insider, Google states that;
“take the year off from that tradition out of respect for all those fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. Our highest goal right now is to be helpful to people, so let’s save the jokes for next April, which will undoubtedly be a whole lot brighter than this one.”

“We’ve already stopped any centralized April Fool’s efforts but realize there may be smaller projects within teams that we don’t know about,” the email from Google’s head of marketing Lorraine Twohill continues. “Please suss out those efforts and make sure your teams pause on any jokes they may have planned — internally or externally.”
Like or dislike Internet April Fools’ jokes, it’s hard to argue that Google’s decision here isn’t a wise one. With the seriousness of the health crisis gripping the United States and the world, dedicating a day to misleading people and adding extraneous, misinforming features to critical products like Google search, YouTube, Gmail, or Maps just seems like a bad idea. As of now, major tech companies like, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are already battling misinformation on their platforms.
Hopefully, other tech companies will take note of Google’s lead here and adjust their own April Fools’ plans accordingly. There are a time and a place for a good joke but this probably isn’t it.

List of Google "April Fools Day" jokes- 2019:

Google frequently inserts jokes and hoaxes into its products on April Fools' Day, which takes place on April 1.
Here is the list of Google April Fool Day Jokes held in 2019:

  • Sssnakes on a map - Last Year 2019, Google Maps had a feature to play Snake in several cities. During the week of April Fool's Day, this was accessible in the app. Many cities were available, such as Cairo, London, San Francisco, São Paulo, Sydney, and Tokyo, and even the world.
  • Google TulipLast year it introduced Google Tulip, an AI that can understand what tulips are saying and in dozens of human languages.
  • Gmail- Last Year Google, commemorate the 15th anniversary of the email client’s release, the Gmail logo featured balloons and a party hat on April 1st.
  • YouTube- After a two-year drought YouTube returned to making April Fools pranks. Last year they had an ad on the top of the home page for an Aquaman 2 movie, but instead of the playable video being a trailer for it the video was for Shazam! instead.
  • Google Assistant- If the user writes "April Fools" to Google assistant it will now tell you about a random historic April Fools prank.



TECHAPIS- All Tech News Blog: Google Cancels its April Fool's Pranks this year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Google Cancels its April Fool's Pranks this year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Google Cancels its April Fool's Pranks this year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Google's April Fool's Pranks will not be held this year, as concerns over the spread of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, continue to persist.
TECHAPIS- All Tech News Blog
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