How to enable and use WhatsApp on your PC?How to activate and use WhatsApp for Web, To use WhatsApp on the web, you'll need to link the web client with your phone via by scanning the barcode.
WhatsApp Messenger
Whatsapp Messenger is free to download Mobile applications for smartphones (Android/iOS).WhatsApp uses the internet to send messages, images, audio or video. The service is very similar to text messaging services, however, because WhatsApp uses the internet to send messages, the cost of using WhatsApp is significantly less than texting. Nowadays everyone is familiar with Whatsapp and everyone is using today including government entities, political parties, and candidates for office also you and me.
Whatsapp providing a feature to use Whatsapp in the PC (web) using a browser. Did you know how to use Whatsapp on PC? or did you wandering, How to activate and use WhatsApp for Web? Yes! you are in the right place here in this article I will show you How to activate and use WhatsApp for Web.
How to activate and use WhatsApp for Web:
Here's how you can set up and use WhatsApp Web;
To use WhatsApp on the web, you'll need to link the web client with your phone via by scanning the barcode.
- Navigate to on your computer.
- Open your WhatsApp Messenger application on your mobile.
- Tap Menu or Settings and select WhatsApp Web
- Point your phone at the QR code on the website. It should take just a second or so to scan to link your account to the web version.
- That's it...You're in! Your account is now linked to the web client, and you'll be able to use WhatsApp directly from your browser.
WhatsApp Web works as same as the mobile version, lets you share documents, photos and videos, contacts, and even uses your computer's camera to take photos and share them. You can also view your friends' stories, initiate new chats, change your profile photo, and use the search feature within chats.
If you're not interested in scanning a barcode every time to run WhatsApp in a browser, you can download the Windows client and have it running natively on your computer.