How to Pay Income Tax Online India -If you are looking for a way to pay income tax online, follow our step-by-step guide.- income tax e filing- income tax calculator--- efillingincometax---e-tax payment, pay income tax online, Tax Payment Online, Tax, Payment, Online income tax
How to Pay Income Tax Online in India?
Income Tax in India
Taxes levied by the Indian Government are of two types-- Direct taxes.
- Indirect taxes.
#1) Direct Taxes
Direct taxes are levied on profits and income and the Indirect taxes are those that are levied on services and goods. For example, the service tax that you pay in a restaurant is an indirect tax whereas Income Tax that is deducted from your salary every month in the form of TDS is an (example of direct tax.)#2) Indirect Taxes
Indirect Income Taxes refers to a percentage of your income that you are liable to pay directly to the government. The money collected by this direct tax route is used by the Indian Government for infrastructural developments and also to pay the employees of central and state government bodies.Income Tax Calculator
Any Indian citizen aged below 60 years is liable to pay income tax if their income exceeds 2.5 lakhs. If the individual is above 60 years of age and earns more than Rs.3 lakhs, he/she will have to pay taxes to the government of India.How to Pay Income Tax Online in India?
So, if you are looking for a way to pay income tax online, The step-by-step procedures are mentioned below:Pay Tax Online
To pay taxes online;
- login to > Services > e-payment:
- Now from the drop-down menu, Pay Taxes Online or click here on the tab "e-pay taxes" provided on the said website. Provide a proper link of e-payment
- Select the relevant challan i.e. ITNS 280, ITNS 281, ITNS 282, ITNS 283, ITNS 284, or Form 26 QB demand payment (only for TDS on sale of the property) as applicable.
- Enter your PAN / TAN (as applicable) and other mandatory challan details like accounting head under which payment is made, address of the taxpayer, and the bank through which payment is to be made, etc.
- On the submission of data entered, a confirmation screen will be displayed. If PAN / TAN is valid as per the ITD PAN / TAN master, then the full name of the taxpayer as per the master will be displayed on the confirmation screen.
- On confirmation of the data so entered, the taxpayer will be directed to the net-banking site of the bank.
- The taxpayer has to login to the net-banking site with the user id/password provided by the bank for net-banking purposes and enters payment details at the bank site.
- On successful payment, a challan counterfoil will be displayed containing CIN, payment details, and bank name through which e-payment has been made. This counterfoil is proof of payment being made.