Google Chrome Dark Mode Android; Here's how you can enable the dark mode on Google Chrome for Android
Google Chrome, offers a dark mode for its applications, so you can stare at people’s brightly colored vacation photos and ads for horrible coffee tables surrounded by inky black like you’re developing film in a darkroom. The only way to turn it on is by enabling dark mode across all of Android.
Here’s how you can enable dark mode for Google Chrome:
- #Step1: Enter chrome://flags in Chrome’s web address bar.
- #Step2: Under "Search Flags" Search bar enter 'Dark Mode'.
- #Step3: You will find two options "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents" and "Android Chrome UI Dark Mode".
- #Step4: Dark mode for web contents-Enable dark mode for the sites which have a dark mode.
- #Step5: Chrome UI dark mode- Chrome Web Browser’s interface will be available in dark mode.
- #Step6: Choose any option and click on "Enable" to activate the dark mode of Google chrome.
- #Step7: Restart Google Chrome Web Browser and we can see the dark version of chrome.